
Ebi Mute, Deaf and Blind Face Decoration for Aquariums

Decorative Aquarium Ornament.This aquarium ornament is a naturalistic Aqua Della decoration made of polyester resin. It is completely non-toxic and does not affect the biological balance of your aquarium. The decoration is suitable for both freshwate ... See full description


  • 21,5x12,3x16 cm C$30.56 C$142.14/M

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  • x1 C$30.56 C$30.56/unit
  • x2 -C$0.61 C$60.51 C$29.95 last unit
  • x3 -C$0.92 C$90.76 C$29.64 last unit
  • x5 -C$1.53 C$151.27 C$29.03 last unit

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Features Ebi Mute, Deaf and Blind Face Decoration for Aquariums

  • Reference4047059463352
  • Weight100 gr
  • BrandEbi
  • Size21,5x12,3x16 cm

Description Ebi Mute, Deaf and Blind Face Decoration for Aquariums

Decorative Aquarium Ornament.This aquarium ornament is a naturalistic Aqua Della decoration made of polyester resin. It is completely non-toxic and does not affect the biological balance of your aquarium. The decoration is suitable for both freshwater and marine aquariums. Instructions: Carefully remove the decoration from the box and rinse it with warm water. Caution: Do not use soap, all-purpose cleaners, or other cleaning products (e.g., hydrogen peroxide, thinner, turpentine). Features: Made of high quality polyester resin. Non-toxic and pH neutral. Does not affect the biological balance. For freshwater and marine aquariums. Instructions: Carefully remove the decoration from the box and rinse with warm water.

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